E12 Universities Hate This One Weird Trick To Protest Mass Murder

Hail and well met comrade traveler, where are you headed? Oh no. Not the campus. That campus is haunted by ghouls who will shoot you with rubber bullets for peacefully protesting the wholesale extermination of a people. Well, since I can see that you must go that way, take this podcast and hold it close. It is a magical ward against the undead creatures that dwell within those environs. Seek out the students, for they are comrades. Do not stray off the path, and listen not to the voices that whisper from the dark. They will try to lure you away from the path with hasbara about how it’s anti semitic to oppose genocide… THEN SCOUR THE FLESH FROM YOUR VERY BONES! BEWARE! HEED MY WARNING COMRADE! HEED IT! 

Oh yea, and donate to my GoFundMe so we can help my friend and her family flee from the IOF savages: https://gofund.me/a98a4597